Ansible log
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Ansible is an example of clash between sysadmin and developer mentality.
Sysadmin tend to think about system as a whole while developer always think
about their specific apps. While developer want to isolate, sysadmin want to
'propagate', if I can use such term.
I want to try ansible and see if it can be a better alternative to Fabric. The
first thing to do of course to install it. Since I'd already have my deployment
tools environment based on buildout, I want to install ansible using my
buildout config, rather than making it system-wide, or even 'user-wide' (mean
install it to my $HOME
dir). I don't want to pollute my $HOME, let alone the
system. It's impossible to install ansible with buildout since it want to write
to /usr/share/ansible
and buildout will raise SandboxViolationError
Fortunately it's still installable through pip and also work inside virtualenv.
Running buildout under virtualenv still raise SandboxViolationError
though. Enough rant, let's get started:-
virtualenv test-ansible cd test-ansible ./bin/pip install ansible
I spent quite sometime reading ansible docs to finally grasp the concept of
inventory. It's a place (a text file) where you define all the servers you want
to manage. By default ansible will look in /etc/ansible/hosts
file. You can
change this through configuration file $HOME/.ansible.cfg and
set the value hostfile = /etc/ansible/hosts.
- hosts: pipz - name: Add main user user: name=kamal home=/home/kamal - name: Set up authorized key for kamal authorized_key: user=kamal state=present key="{{ item }}" with_file: - /home/kamal/.ssh/
Error: Host declaration is required
- hosts: pipz tasks: - name: Add main user user: name=kamal home=/home/kamal - name: Set up authorized key for kamal authorized_key: user=kamal state=present key="{{ item }}" with_file: - /home/kamal/.ssh/
./bin/ansible-playbook main.yml -i ansible_hosts.ini -u root