Generating Sphinx PDF on MacOS X

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Latex distribution is known to be very big on any platform. The MacTex package is 2.5GB download. Fortunately there's a minimal package, BasicTex which is around 100MB. That's perfect and seem to include all needed for Sphinx to generate the pdf.

But after running make latexpdf in my Sphinx doc, got errors about missing sty.

! LaTeX Error: File `wrapfig.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Searching around, lot of solutions mention about install texlive-late-extra package (on Debian/Ubuntu). Until I found that TexLive also has a packages manager called tlmgr. First attempt of running tlmgr complain about itself require an update:-

sudo tlmgr update --self

After that I need to install the following packages:-

sudo tlmgr install titlesec framed threeparttable wrapfig multirow collection-fontsrecommended

And Sphinx successfully generated the PDF.

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