Local Python is not for the System
More than 10 years ago I wrote about System Python is not for you to explain that we should not use system python for our development purpose.
Python/Django Web Developer
More than 10 years ago I wrote about System Python is not for you to explain that we should not use system python for our development purpose.
I have been fixing Dockerfile in our Labzero project as a preparation for PyconMY 2023 next week. I’ve been using multi-stage builds for quite some time to reduce the final image size. The general pattern is something like this:-
It’s hard to search for “nobody”’s blog posts these days. Take for example when I searched for “why all todos apps doesn’t works?”. All the frontpage results are from some brands, except for a blog post from Scott Hanselman and Jeff Attwood’s Codding Horror on the third page. But they are hardly “nobody” anymore.
Ringkasan tulisan Moxie berkaitan web3. Untuk yang tidak kenal, dia adalah developer Signal yang mana sistem enkripsinya digunakan dalam Whatsapp.
I’ve been compiling resources on why it’s important for software developer to have some understanding on operating system, especially the one that will run program they’re developing.
6 years in primary school, 5 years in secondary school. That’s how much student learnt the English language in their school years in Malaysia. Yet, the subject of English proficiency comes so often in the local media.
Feb 2018 update: Telegram now officially has Telegram Login ! I took a brief look on how the new login feature work and I think the main difference is that the auth data is signed using the bot’s token while in my approach, it was signed using the website’s secret key.
Kotlin, the new programming language from JetBrain suddenly become overnight sensation after Google announcement at IO conference last week, that Kotlin will be officially supported for Android dev. Everyone people talking about how the new language will be the future … sigh.
A friend shared Taylor Otwell post about Laravel’s tap function. Basically what the function did was to do something with the passed object and then return it.
Inspired by this article, where it is the first time I found the term “software archaeology” being used, I decided to look into how PDF generation library called PDFMake being used in InvoiceNinja.
Biasanya bila kita nak hantar email, kita cuma buka email client, (atau kebanyakkan sekarang menggunakan web based email service seperti Gmail), tapi alamat dan message yang hendak dihantar dan klik butang “Send”.
Minimal django application. When things become so big and complex as django, sometimes it help to tear it up, broken it into smaller pieces to see how it work. So I start with just this in app.py
Gettext adalah tools yang digunakan untuk membuat terjemahan sesuatu perisian komputer.
So I decided to learn Go in 2017. This will be an ongoing notes as I learn more about it.
Password adalah satu komponen penting dalam sebuah aplikasi web. Selain melindungi aplikasi daripada akses yang tidak sepatutnya, penjanaan password juga penting untuk melindungi password itu sendiri. Kenapa begitu ?
Memiliki blog (teknikal) adalah satu kemestian bagi semua pelajar Sains Komputer atau IT. Untuk panduan dan juga sumber inspirasi, kami senaraikan blog-blog yang bagus daripada pelajar di serata dunia.
Pertama sekali, tahniah kerana anda telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dalam bidang Sains Komputer ataupun Teknologi Maklumat (atau apa2 kursus berkaitan). Ia satu pencapaian yang amat membanggakan dan semestinya anda begitu teruja untuk memulakan kerjaya dalam bidang software development.
Update 1 Look like it’s a bit unclear my end goal of this exercise so I list down the requirements here:-
I’ve wrote before on the value of good question. Tonight, when someone post about protobuf in our Telegram group, a question was asked:-
Science begins by asking questions and then seeking answers. Young children understand this intuitively as they explore and try to make sense of their surroundings.
Testing cherrypy file upload and spent more than an hour trying to figure out why the uploaded file ended up as empty. My initial code basically like this:-
Bidang pembangunan perisian adalah satu bidang kerjaya yang unik berbanding bidang-bidang lain. Kenapa saya kata begitu ? Kita ambil satu contoh yang mudah dan sentiasa menjadi elemen penting dalam kerjaya - pengalaman.
Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).
If you already did some python development or just getting started, one of the advice you would always get is to never mess with the system python - the python version that come with your distro. For example on Ubuntu or Debian based system, python that was installed by sudo apt-get install python
. At first I didn’t really understand what this mean, why you can’t use something that already comes for free ?